Whatsapp messenger is a very popular application and also every people in this world use that app. It is so popular that it has reached 1 Billion downloads and has given a tough competition to facebook. So if u think whatsapp messenger is effecting your day to day life and also your getting lots of messages from your group you obviously think to delete your whatsapp account!!!
But, one side of thought you may think to not delete your account just uninstalling it. If you do these two thinks you may miss important messages. So in this blog i will show you how to deactivate whatsapp being installed in your android. Till you open whatsapp message will not pop up.
So to all this problem there is a solution called 'Greenify' app. This application stops all the application running background in your android including whatsapp and also help in increasing your battery usage. Actually it is not free in 'Google play store' in order to download this application go to google search engine or any other search engine and search for 'Greenify apk' and download it from any of the link and install it.
I will show you below step by step procedure to use greenify in effective ways
Step 1: Open greenify app that you have installed in your android
Step 2: Now you can see list of application that are running background. Long press on the application that you have to hibernate it.
Step 3: Now select all the apps
Step 4: After selecting all the apps that you want to stop, Tap and 'zzz' type of icon at the bottom right corner hibernate will take place
Step 5: Add hibernate and hibernate+lock to widget of your mobile so that each time when you tap this widget it will close all the application and screen lock will take place
NOTE: Until you open Whatsapp messenger you will not get any message its same as whatsapp being uninstalled. And also you will not get any double tick and no notifications.
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